An end of year events flyer was sent home on 5/4/17 so parents can stay up to date on all events going on at BCES.
Yearbooks are in! We have a few extra copies available in the office for $25. First come, first served.
All rising 6th graders are invited to visit BCMS and learn about what it is like to be in middle school.
Help raise $ for Relay for Life & cancer research. Each teacher that collects $30 will get a pie in the face. The deadline is Wednesday so bring in your $ if you want your teacher to get splattered
Should the BOE close Lanier Primary and move all students to BCES? Share your thoughts:
The after school program will close at 4:00 today due to approaching weather. BCES students will be bussed to LPS as usual. Pick up by 4.
State testing starts Monday. The PTO is paying for all students to eat a free hot breakfast at school for the next 2 weeks during testing.
Pizza kits can be picked up at BCES today from 3:00-5:30 and all day Friday until 4:00.
Election Day today!
Visit the ESPLOST page on our website for all the information!
Visit the ESPLOST page on our website for all the information!
Visit the ESPLOST page on our website for all the information!
Sales tax is paid by everyone who shops in Bryan County, including both interstate interchanges.
Please click on the link below to to take the Title 1 Parent Survey.
BCES was recently named a high progress rewards school. BCES is in the top 10% of the state’s Title I schools making the most progress in improving performance over the last 3 years on GMAS.
Congratulations to Camryn Parker for being the Young Georgia Authors writing contest winner for the county for 3rd Grade!
Spring pictures and class pictures are on 3/2/17. Class pictures cost $10, and you must prepay before 3/2/17. You will receive a packet of SPRING PICTURES a few weeks after photo day. You can select and pay for the photos you want and return the rest.
You can purchase an ad for your child in the yearbook. Whole page $30, 1/2 page $15. We have a limited # to sell. Call for details.
BCES students received info today on selling pizza kits. Profits from the fundraiser will go to purchase playground equipment at BCES.
Chorus performed at Connections Night.